4 May 2008

Michoacan - Held Up (Michoacans Lord Synthious Take)
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Energetic electro funk with super spacey synths by Michoacan. The Held Up EP also features a remix from Naum Gabo, who did this eerily off kilter synth up of Midnight Mike's United about a yonk ago.

Midnight Mike - United (Naum Gabo Remix)

Charles Manier is just one of the seemingly endless stream of wonderful electronic music craftsmen that make Ghostly the great label it is.

Charles Manier - Bang Bang Lover (alt link)

Having not heard anything of Play Paul since his 2005 release 'Yesterday' on Kitsune which I have to say didn't impress me that much considering the guy is brother of Guy 'Daft Punk' De Homem-Christo, my opinion has somewhat changed upon hearing 'All Mine' and 'Breathe'. Jan Driver turns out a great remix here too.

Play Paul - Breathe (Jan Driver Remix) (alt link)

Well that was a nice little jaunt into the fashionable world of electronic music.

Oh, 1983.

ATP vs Pitchfork in less than a week! Excitement mounts!


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