28 December 2008

pic: Pekka Finland

Cars and music, I love them both but there's only one of them that ever lets me down, cars - can't live with them, can't live without them. The supercharger belt on my Mini has gone and snapped causing some serious damage, most upsetting, but I suppose it'll teach me not to rev the nuts off it all the time :(

Ever reliable though, here's some quality music in the shape of some alienesque sounds courtesy of Luke Vibert's Kerrier Disct alias, an absolute stunner from Stimming and a glorious lo-fi electro pop nugget from Ghostape.

Kerrier District- Disco Nasty (alt link)

Stimming - Una Pena (alt link)

Ghostape - Many Stars (alt link)

Mix time. This is something I put together the other day, an hour and ten minutes of lush techno through bonafide classics and experimental wizardry. The Patrice Baumel remix of Marc Romboy is really something else.

Mix Download

DOP - Blanche Neige
Audion - Fred's Bells (Onur Ozer Remix)
Marc Romboy - Sonora (Patrice Baumel Remix)
Phil Kieran - Pinhole Of Light
Ryan Davis - Clouds Passing By (Moonbeam Remix)
Extrawelt - Im Garten Von Eben (Max Cooper Tensor Mix)
Matzak - African Roots (Rodriguez Jr Remix)
Robert Babicz - Basic (Sonic Me On Acid Remix)
Stimming - Una Pena
Sascha Funke - Mango Cookie (DJ Koze's Pink Moon Remix)
Hobo - Occam's Phaser
Lo-Fi-FNK - Change Channel (Danton Eeprom Remix)
Arcadion - Arc
James Holden - Idiot
Ricardo Tobar - Voy A Buscar

1hr 10min


  • Stimming tune is excellent.

    Looking forward to the mix...

    By Blogger James Rand, at 12:21 am  
  • It is brilliant, forgot to post a link to the original that it samples. Really good in its own right.


    By Blogger Leighton, at 12:30 am  
  • again, a great mix! :)
    i hope 2009 will be a better year for your car then... (i'm sure we won't have to worry about the music!)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:50 pm  
  • the martin stimming track really is terrific (and deserves to be bought, dare i say). the whole bouncy and absolutely captivating kind of techno that's coming from diynamic was, in my opinion, one of the most interesting trends emerging in electronic music last year. stimming's resident advisor podcast really was one of the best; kind of brought to mind that vocals last year didn't solely have to be some african-american dude holding forth about the demise of detroit and soul in general (even though that was kind of fun for a while too).

    By Blogger knipsiltis, at 1:49 pm  
  • De la bombe atomique ce mix ;))) thanks!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:34 am  
  • Digging Disco Nasty!

    By Blogger -JohnB, at 11:54 am  
  • Knipsilitis - great comment, totally agree with you on all levels, you just worded it better. Really enjoyed a lot of Diynamic, Stimming obviously and most recently got the Paulo Olarte EP, brilliant. Waiting excitedly for the Stimming full-length to drop now.

    By Blogger Leighton, at 9:40 pm  

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Current Track: Kerrier District- Disco Nasty