22 December 2008

pic: Miniature Mouse

Secondo - Burns Me Up (alt link)

Secondo - Kuwait (alt link)

A Matter Of Scale by Secondo passed me by until recently. Secondo’s love of disco and minimal European electronic music produces a unique funky-electronic cut up style that shows his close links with the micro-house sound of Germany’s Kompakt label as much as that of the New York disco labels of the late 70s and early 80s. Secondo’s music features thousands of micro-samples, the music successfully reflects his aim of reconstructing these minute sonic fragments into new compositions that somehow maintain the atmosphere of the originals as well as creating new worlds.

Pleinsoleil - Let's Sway (alt link)

Superb track from Parisian duo Pleinsoleil taken from the Parau Api split with Lopazz.

And to finish, a top remix from DJ Koze that features on the My Favorite Things compilation. And a new Efdemin track which is understated brilliance, absolutely love it.

Lawrence - Rabbit Tube (DJ Koze Remix) (alt link)

Efdemin - America (alt link)

  • I wish Koze was my father, oh how festive and unpredictable this upcoming holiday season would be.

    Efdemin would, of course, be most welcome to join in as well.

    By Blogger Don Simon, at 10:03 am  
  • Hi, thats your russian reader -) Thanks for Secondo and would you be probably so kind to post some guys who sound alike? Im into that sound very much atm and find stuff be AutoDisco, The Rip-Off Artist, Akufen, Herbert and Soundhack with alliases pretty amazing. Thanks in advance!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:28 pm  
  • That Pleinsoleil track is diamond-skull fab. Love the site!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:13 am  
  • Hey there, just got on to this site,
    the last years had a problem getting to the most interesting in contemporary tech/minimal/electronic, and you got me totally psyched :) just wonderful.
    best wishes and thanks!

    + some shameless self promotion..


    By Blogger Martijn Comes, at 8:25 am  

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Current Track: Secondo - Burns Me Up