7 January 2009

pic: Mike Harrison

Laid back.

We all like free stuff. Even better when it's great free content. That's what Faux Pas offers you with his latest EP. Four tracks for free download in glorious high quality. Psychadelic. Balaeric. Straight up pop. Call it what you want, this is memorable music that draws influence from across the whole musical spectrum and fuses it together into luscious slices of electronic melody. You can download the EP from here. There's no excuse not to.

Faux Pas - Rose's Lament (alt link)

Pikelet - Bug In Mouth (Faux Pas Remix) (alt link)

A cosmic slow jam next from Hot Coins. Taken from the Valiant Truth EP on the ever impressive Tirk records. A 100bpm juggernaut, this is what I want to groove to.

Hot Coins - Valiant Truth (alt link)

Bernard Fevre and some tracks from his 1977 LP entitled Cosmos 2043. Much more experimental and cosmic sounding than his Black Devil alias. It's hard not to love.

Bernard Fevre - 2043 (alt link)

Bernard Fevre - Stars Away (alt link)

Bernard Fevre - Ronde Interstellaire (alt link)


Dutch Rhythm Combo - Tune (alt link)

Joakim - Peter Pan Over The Bronx (alt link)

oki-ni sale now on.
Oi Polloi sale now on.
Surface To Air sale now on.


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Current Track: Faux Pas - Rose's Lament