21 January 2009

pic: Micah Lidberg

Michael Moorcock's Deep Fix - Time Centre (alt link)

Time Centre originally featured on a 1982 compilation put together by prolific space-rockers Hawkwind. Moorcock himself collaborated with Hawkwind but is mainly renowned for his works as a sci-fi novelist. His own music project was known as Michael Moorcock's Deep Fix, the track Time Centre is an ethereal space beauty.

Surface 10 - Gamma Days (alt link)

Mid '90s space ambience next from Surface 10, an 8 minute piece focused on repetition, boring to some - interesting to me. Taken from the 13 year old Space Box Compilation that also features prog and space jams from the best.

Amon Duul II - Wolf City (alt link)

Bringing it up to now, holding the key to the celestial sounds are the likes of Vincent Markowski and Chateau Flight. With his second release under the Markowski alias he really has hit on an amazing sound, Russians celebrating a successful space test in 1960 would be freaking out to this. Dirty Capsules is out now on DC Recordings. And as for Chateau Flight, well you'll have your chance to catch them at Ether 09 in April alongside The Juan Maclean. I shall be there. Tickets released on Friday.

Vincent Markowski - The Number Arkiv (alt link)

Chateau Flight - GRN Aventurine (alt link)


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Current Track: Michael Moorcock's Deep Fix - Time Centre