3 March 2009

pic: Lee Jang Sub

I'm gonna get a bit carried away here and bundle the goodness into one post as like a favourites for the month kinda thing.

From the full on, in your face approach of Danzca on the Speicher series to the mysterious, dark and wonderful Variance track there's some great sounds here. Spektre is also consistently hammering out quality, i've been loving the Christian Fischer and Luomo remixes of late. Then we've got the playful, upbeat chimes of Giuseppe on the newly formed Astor Bell netlabel which is offering high-quality downloads on their swish site. And i'm really loving the second half of that Charles Gudagafva remix. : )

Andreas Henneberg - Federschwarz (alt link)

Audion - Mouth To Mouth (Mantap Mix By Heartthrob) (alt link)

Coro Novoa - Unattainable Love (Charles Gudagafva Remix) (alt link)

Danzca - Dark Neptune (alt link)

Giuseppe - White Waves (alt link)

Luomo - Tessio (Spektre Remix) (alt link)

Rhythm Code - Shade
(alt link)

Sis - Sum (alt link)

Unknown Artist - Variance (Function Edit) (alt link)

  • Hi mate. We have some remix available and maybe you or your friends would like to blog about them if you like them. We're working on a techno remix of Te amo by sultana atm sounding huuuuge anyway checkout our stuff at http://soundcloud.com/damienosborne

    peace and merry Xmas :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:19 am  

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Current Track: Andreas Henneberg - Federschwarz