19 May 2009

pic: Cullen Stephenson

Amir - Epopoe (buy)

This a sublime piece of techno, intricate layers, loops and samples strung together gradually over 11 minutes.

Sinner DC - Glass Alley (buy)

After being enamored with brooding Swiss electronic trio Sinner DC since hearing their Mount Age LP it's a joy to hear them back with a new full length on AI.

It's A Fine Line - Woman (A Makhnovshchina Repossession)

It's A Fine Line is yet another alias of Ivan Smagghe and Tim Paris and in this guise they take on an old fave of mine, G.B. & The Tracks 'My Kind Of Women'. This future-disco / proto-techno masterpiece is a raw mix of primitive electronic beats, crazed vintage delays/reverbs, huge anthemic piano chords and yearning, oh-so-infectious male vocals. Released on History Clock who have a new one just out by Tarnished Thighs (better known as Phoreski).


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Current Track: Amir - Epopoe