10 June 2009

pic Immense Journey

Sorry for no updates in a while, took a spontaneous trip to Berlin.

Nicone - Abayomi (buy)

Nicone is the duo of Lexy and Hirtenfellner. If you like tribal chants in your techno, then this is a yes for you. Excellent stuff from Oliver Koletzki's Stil Vor Talent label.

Daniel Steinberg - Keep On Movin (Roman Fluegel Remix) (buy)

Wonderful to hear some new remix work from Roman Fluegel. This remix of Daniel Steinberg is nice nice.

Here's a mix I did for Diesel U Music, I don't really know if it got played 'cos I was away. But anyway, something on there might take your fancy.


1. Clap Rules - Braxx
2. Mugwump - Nothing Without You
3. Sugardaddy - Stripped To The Bone
4. Rat Salad - Cannibalized
5. Neon - Skydiver
6. Dharma - Plastic Doll
7. Rooster P Incognito - Swing Ratio
8. Nancy Fortune - Walking
9. Good Guy Mikesh & Filburt - Freddy
10. Dorothy's Fortress - Silencer
11. Vegard Wolf Dyvik - All My Friends Are Awesome
12. Osborne - Bout Ready To Jak
13. Cabin Fever - Don't You Know?
14. Dustin Zahn - Stranger To Stability
15. Rico Casazza - Compression
16. Rene Breitbarth - Loco Motive
17. French Teen Idol - Departure

55mins - 82mb

An oldie to finish. Frederic Mercier had an LP entitled Pacific out in 1978. It's just seen a partial re-release on Mellophonia. What is it? Analog synth laden joy.

Frederic Mercier - Station 713 (buy)

Frederic Mercier - Pacific

  • tracklist on mix looks fun. gonna listen - and mercier is god. thanks for the high quality mp3s!
    btw - have you heard the Ajello edit of Station 713? pretty awesome.

    By Blogger PleasureCruise, at 9:19 pm  
  • No problem, hope you enjoy : )

    Not heard the Ajello remix, would much like to though!

    By Blogger Leighton, at 10:50 pm  
  • here's the Ajello mix, enjoy!


    By Blogger PleasureCruise, at 4:37 pm  

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