1 September 2009

pic: Recyclism

Coyote - Pacific Breeze (buy)

It's been a while coming, but it's certainly been worth the wait. Harlyn Bay is the debut LP from downtempo disco duo Coyote. It's precisely what this summer hasn't been... Warm, psychedelic and splendid. Go hunt down that sunset and chill-out to this. Coyote also run the Is It Balaeric? label and have just put out something well worth checking out by The Deadstock 33's aka Justin Robertson, who also has another amazing sounding release due out in a couple of weeks on legendary Manchester label Paper Recordings.

Smith & Mudd - The Delivery Man (buy)

Smith & Mudd's second LP like Coyote's offers blissfully deep and downtempo grooves. As you drift off towards the end of this album you realise Smith & Mudd have pulled off something very special here.

Pat Les Stache - Much More Love

With Cabana Disco Volume 3 on the horizon I thought i'd share this slice of funk from Pat Les Stache, who also runs American Athlete. There's a load more of his superb edits to be had over there.

Man Friday - Love Honey, Love Heartache

This is a track from 1986 by Man Friday, a sleazy dub disco affair from a trio that included the late Larry Levan.

Brian E - Now Know Why You Cry

Hi-NRG stuff from Brian E, reminds me a lot of Black Devils "H"-Friend.

Be sure to check out the Corrupt project on the Recyclism site too, is cool. And, also Download Finished for some more really interesting corrupted file video editing, love it!

  • Did you end up coming across Retro/Grade - Moda?

    I realised that the youtube video of it was posted a month or so back, but that's a radio edit and I'm hanging out for the 10 minute version with the epic breakdown.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:13 am  
  • The Brian E track is off an album called Tech Noir and i offered for free on a disco forum somewhere, best part is that the album is themed entirely to Terminator!

    By Anonymous mat, at 11:23 am  
  • Yeah, i've got both versions of Moda now, not sure they're safe to post. But you're so right, that breakdown is absolutely killer! You seen their new video? Basically is just a souped up remix of Automat's 'Droid'

    Love Brian E, didn;t know of that album, that was just a track featured on a synth-pop disco compilation I had. Since got his new LP though, it's pretty good fun time music!

    By Blogger Leighton, at 11:02 am  

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Current Track: Smith & Mudd - The Delivery Man