5 November 2009

pic: Bruno B. Dicolla

Italoboyz - Where Is London (buy)

If you're in London this weekend then feel free to join us at The Lock Tavern on Sunday for Blogger's Delight where I shall be playing some tracks more suited to a late afternoon before it all kicks on with appearances from the hotly tipped Chamboche and Renaissance Man and residents Casper C and Skull Juice in what promises to be a proper good night of miscellanies du jour.

Of course, there's plenty prior to that... an epic night of Border Community goodness at the Corsica Studios on Friday. And, party Slutty Fringe at the Queen Of Hoxton on Saturday.

Nathan Fake - October Mix

  • glad you're finally djing dude. shame i won't be able to make it on sunday night but i've been following your blog for a while now and wondered if you'd ever put your tastes to good use...

    if ye have the time check out the mixes on my blog...dare i say i've discovered a lot of good music from you. mixed a peter horrevorts remix into my first mix so check that out if you can.


    By Blogger Jack, at 10:09 pm  
  • Would it be too much to ask for you to record your set? please. :)

    I do adore your mixes, so this would be a treat.

    By Anonymous Adjvstment, at 3:03 am  
  • oh read it too late, hope all went great! : )

    By Anonymous sofie, at 2:14 am  
  • thanks jack, shame you couldn't make it...was a good night from what i can remember, got absolutely annihilated by about 7pm, not good! spent the rest of the week piecing things together :( will definitely check out your mixes, the tracklistings look right up my street... definitely gonna post some nicolas jaar soon, can highly recommend the new Circus Company comp with him and others on.

    Adjvstment - I did record the set and i promise to get it to you, but if i haven't done it soon please politely remind me to...be warned it sounds pretty bad given my state if insobriety, some great tracks though, 40+ with only a couple that i've posted on here.

    Sofie - i'm jealous of your blog!!!

    By Blogger Leighton, at 12:51 am  

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Current Track: Italoboyz - Where Is London