4 March 2010

Pic: Andre Gottschalk

Populette - Daddy

Mommy by Populette is the new release on Throne Of Blood. It's just out with remix by TBD. It is quality deep tech house with a real unique feel to it.

Aaron Carl - Wallshaker (buy)

Japanese Synchro System - A Day In The Life

Been checking out the back catalogue of the Millions Of Moments label just lately following on from a love of all things Brock van Wey really. I uncovered these two gems. The Aaron Carl track really calls to mind Radioslave's 'Don't You Know'. Whereas the Japanese Synchro System track is blissed out piece of piano organ led deep house with flutes and Japanese spoken word, really nice.

360 - Neon One (buy)

Really loving this. 360 is the formidable and talented production duo of Dutchmen Nuno Dos Santos and Patrice Baumel. I've posted about both of their solo work in the past but as 360 they really create beautiful atmosphere whilst retaining the minimalism Baumel especially is renowned for.

Mauser - Jack Orchestra (buy)

2-step jackin' house from Mauser out on Generation Records a couple years back. Absurdly good fun!

  • At first listen I passed on the 360 track, but after seeing Patrice Bäumel mentioned I gave it a couple more tries...I'm glad I did. It's a nuanced sound but I like it. Seems like Bäumel is generally underappreciated. I felt like his RA podcast was one of the best of that year and was pretty much ignored for the most part.

    I also really appreciate your writing - it's concise and to the point, but still conveys plenty of info. Thanks!

    By Blogger daniel, at 7:47 pm  
  • Definitely agree with you about Bäumel, hope he's not only remembered for Roar.

    Thanks for the comment :)

    By Blogger Leighton, at 12:24 am  

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Current Track: Populette - Daddy