21 March 2010

San Soda & Just Nathan - Wasmachine

Ramon Tapia & Maxim Lany - Highway (FCL Remix)

We Play House Recordings has certainly been a breath of fresh air to house music over the last year or so. To quote: 'The simple aim of We Play House Recordings is to release house music that we like and play. No hype, no trend, no tribute, just good house music.' And good house music it is. Taking the vast experience of label head DJ Red D and fusing it with prodigious young talent that is San Soda WPH has hit on something special. 2010 is taking shape for the label with the massive Chicago house inspired 'Vocals For Everyone' by FCL (Red D and San Soda). Then coming up later this Spring will be a WPH debut for Luv*Jam that you can preview now on their MySpace. Exciting!

Luv* Jam is also having DJ Red D come over to play Central Station in Wrexham on Friday (26th March). Promises to be big!


Here is a new mix I've just done. I'll hopefully be doing a couple more mixes soon in the run up to a gig in Paris in May, more details to follow.


Nakion - Deus Ex Machina (Joakim Remix)
DyE - Crsytal D'acier (Logo Remix)
KiNK - Bittersweet
Childproof Man - Who's Been Meaning To
San Soda & Just Nathan - Maximum 150 Personen
Morning Factory - Runners
JTC - King Of The Box
Soundstream - Makin' Love
Antonelli - Disconnected
Populette - Mommy
MarSET - Ventura
Oskar Offermann - Only My Shorts
Paul Du Lac - M.Y.O.
Franck Roger - Re-Scape
Manuel Tur - Dream & Delirium
Andre Lodemann - Still Dreaming
Fet Et Moi - Paris Is For Lovers
Brandt Brauer Frick - Iron Man
Nico Grubert - Malibu
Catz'n Dogs & Pol_On - You Like
Ramon Tapia & Maxim Lany - Highway
Felix Bernhardt - Bam Bam Bam
Kolombo - Big Jim
Do Not Resist The Beat - Minus 126 In Berlin
EQD - 003-b
Terence Fixmer - Electric City
Severed Heads - Greater Reward (Dub)


  • that one vocal loop that comes in around 11:00, echoes out at 13ish, the twinkle intro and then back to vocal jam.

    that shit was crafty.

    what are you mixing with if you don't mind me asking?

    superb bass on this blog.

    By Blogger Chris Lunney, at 9:48 pm  
  • that new FCL EP is ridiculously good - thanks for all the great musical inspiration

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:30 am  
  • mix looks cool nice work

    By Anonymous bicep, at 2:18 pm  
  • great tunes.KINK's track is pure love to the ears..keep up the great work

    By Anonymous Colin, at 1:01 pm  

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Current Track: San Soda & Just Nathan - Wasmachine