17 January 2011

The internet is ever expanding, making it nigh on impossible to sift through the vast quantities of media without the aid of trusted curation. Help is at hand.

Qratr is a new bi-monthly newsletter curated by music obsessives like ourselves. I know you will like it, the best new music lovingly selected and delivered straight to you all in one place, your inbox.

If you're anything like me then you'll have a massive soft spot for the obscure TV programs that surface online, from the sublime to the ridiculous there's quite often just too much to take in. That's where Network Awesome steps in and curates the weird and wonderful world into a single page. Six new shows a day, guaranteed to expand the mind and recall how good TV once was.


Onto a couple of tracks with an acid flavour.

Lux Rec is a Swiss label pushing out some serious good music. This by Jared Wilson was the first release on the label back last year. Followed up by CCO's insane Secret Life Of A Transistor Bassline and soon to come is Jori Hulkkonen's new release as dRUMMAN. A firm grip on the future with ears fixed on the past.

A killer piece of modern acid house taken from 030303's first release back in 2009. The label recently put out EOD's Utrecht EP, highly recommended not least for the brilliant artwork.

  • Oh my god, that Chris Moss track....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:02 am  

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