21 September 2011

Pic: Kathy Grayson

Adam Strömstedt - Feel (buy)

Taken from Junk Yard Connections first release. The Swedish label has just dropped it's second 12" courtesy of Hannes Netzell, it's a bit good.

Recloose - UHF (buy)

One of Recloose's own tracks which features on Hit It And Quit Revue. A compilation that showcases the sounds you're likely to hear on Recloose's and Frank Booker's radio show of the same name. Funk, Disco, House and more.

The Binary Collective - Sin Skin II (buy)

Great blurb to go with a great idea. The Binary Collective is a new project formed by the Autonomic family in order to make spontaneous music as a collective with multiple inputs from whoever happens to be in the studio at the time. It could be two people involved on production duties or it could be four or more such as on this first release. Made on a drunken afternoon crammed into Rosies Box (dbridges Studio), the collective put their talents together and the tracks formed themselves like Voltron, The Binary Collective was born

Container - Application (buy)

Editions Mego sub label Spectrum Spools has put out Container's self titled LP. Container makes jarring techno with a very DIY touch. Highly interesting.


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Current Track: Adam Strömstedt - Feel