20 December 2012

Some sincerity and no end of year lists. Every track posted on here over the last year has been posted without bias and for of the love for it's individual sound, so a massive thanks must go to all of the fantastic musicians for their inspired sounds, past, present and no doubt future, without them this blog would never have existed. Likewise for the imagery used and it's unique and captivating qualities, a big thanks to all artists. And to you, the reader, the biggest thanks of all. I'd have given up a long time ago without you.

Historia y Violencia continues to push out some really great grooves, one of which being this by the formidable Santiago Salazar.

Santiago Salazar - Caja De Luz (buy)

I've been raiding the Eevo Lute back catalogue for some time now, here's just a couple from 1991 and 2005 respectively

Wladimir M. - Evil (buy)

Terrace - California Cadance (buy

The mystery of lost cassette tape music gathers apace once more with the tragic love story of the late S Olbricht

S Olbricht - Revox3 (buy)

Japan in the 80s produced some of the finest electronic music.

Riuichi Sakamoto - Riot In Lagos (buy)

Now go read some stories about Roy Orbison being wrapped in clingfilm.

  • no end of year lists

    Why you so stingy?

    But seriously, thank you. It's a great thing you're doing here. Let's all keep trying to make the world a little better in the days to come. Cheers.

    By Anonymous daniel viborg, at 3:59 pm  
  • Indeed, you run a stellar blog. I'm always delighted by the selection of both images and music. Keep on it!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:19 am  
  • Lookin forward to many more posts! :) Happy new year and thanks for 2012!

    By Blogger joakimR, at 1:20 am  
  • second that - a great year KV, here's to many many more.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:01 pm  
  • :) thank you all :)

    here's to a happy 2013 for everyone!

    By Blogger Leighton, at 10:45 pm  

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Current Track: Santiago Salazar - Caja De Luz